Mouse Pads for MDGs


How to reach Young Modern Performers at work






5th step - Cooperation with a company

It was a long process to gain an agreement with a company for the distribution of the mouse pads. We did research with volunteers of our organization on the internet and among our friends. In the end we prepared a list of the biggest corporations in Krakow where mostly YMPs work. Then we started to try contact with them. The production of mouse pads was finished, so we could present the final product. It took a lot of time to start cooperation, because the decision-making process is quite long in such large companies, starting from the person of first contact (secretary, marketing board) and ending with the director or president of the company.

A company near Krakow, Sabre Holdings, was very interested in our idea and offer from the beginning. Within the company there is something like an 'eco-team', which promotes lifestyles friendly towards the environment, and takes the initiative to change the habits of workers, for example, by organizing the collection of used mobile phones and encouraging the reduction of e-waste and garbage disposal in the proper way. After almost two months there was acceptance from management and we could start distribution of mouse pads in the offices of the company.




6th step - Distribution of mouse pads

We delivered mouse pads to the company by car. If doing any kind of development action within a large company, it helps to use the established communication channels of the company as well. In our case, we agreed with the manager of the eco-team that she would send information to the workers by the interior e-mail system. There was information about the action and they were told that they can take a mouse pad with them. The action was really successful because on the first day all of the mouse pads were distributed.


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