Spot Paul vs. Tree


How to shoot a promotion spot on development topics for Young Modern Performers?







In the last couple of years, more and more television screens have been placed in our everyday surroundings, may it be in bars, subway stations, at crossroads, in shop windows or  gyms. Multimedia content is broadcast from every possible place. In most cases so far, this is used for company advertisement. We want to make use of this new channel of information for development education. As many of the screens are placed in places where people are on the move, we chose, in this case, sustainable mobility as a topic.

Our target group Young Modern Performers (YMPs) are one of the social groups that keep up very high individual mobility, and they love cars. Of course, public transportation and riding bicycles are  alternatives to that, but also those who want to stick with their cars can contribute to sustainability, for example by buying electric, hybrid, or eco-cars. They provide individual mobility, and are, at least, more eco-friendly than conventional cars. They even promise an exclusive status because they are a new trend in mobility. With this action we can address this option for change. Mobility is a very important topic. With the invention of cars, our mobility behavior was changed completely. The dark side of this development is the environmental pollution by combustion engines, which is one reason for climate change. Especially in cities, there is a high car density. The stop-and-go traffic is extremely detrimental to the environment, but our demand for individual mobility is still eminently strong. The consequences of this behavior are, of course, not limited locally to the city where the pollution is caused. The impact on the environment, and the civilization, is much more dramatic in the south than in the north of our planet.

Of course, the medium “public spot on screens ” can be used also for a broad variety of other topics of development as well. Whatever topic the spot has, it is of utmost importance to stick with a high-quality production. YMPs are accustomed to getting professional media content, and poor-quality movies will be ignored, not because of the content, but because of the amateur form of production.


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