Sardine Package


How to address Young Modern Performers at a festival






The core intention of this recipe is to adress YMPs during a bigger event. With the sardine pack we achieved this aim. The feedback from the YMPs could be measured with the increase in the number of fans on your Facebook page, as well as by the comments and likes. During the festivities we had the opportunity to stay in close contact with YMPs and they really enjoyed the badges and the paper fortune teller.

Following a previous strategy of dissemination of the project, the MDG sardine pack was sent to the office of the Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs; to IPAD – Portuguese Institute for Development Assistance; to the mayor of Lisbon (Lisbon hosted the Feast Days of the Popular Saints); to the UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Catarina Furtado (promoting a Television program on MDGs) and to commercial radio. We received positive feedback from the cabinet of the Secretary of State by letter and by Facebook and also from the cabinet of the mayor of Lisbon.

The reactions on Facebook page were also strong and supportive.

Note: we still continue to promote the MDG paper fortune teller, using the digital model.









Maybe this action will give you some inspiration on how to reach new target groups like the YMPs on the occasion of a festival. May it be through beer mats, small games that are distributed, or other any other item that is connected to the festival. In your context the materials and contents may be different. Your imagination will lead the way if you follow, like we did, the basic idea to produce something that:

is connected to an activity that YMPs follow during a festival;

can be distributed at a place that YMPs will visit during a festival;

and is connected to the topic of the festival.

We wish you a creative and fun action with this recipe.


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