Stickers Collection


How to reach Young Modern Performers during shopping






In this recipe we describe how we produced and distributed small stylish stickers to put on Christmas gifts. They had the name of the giver and donee on it as well as some information on MDGs. They were distributed to the staff of shops in Lisbon to give away to customers, and to use as part of the Christmas gift-wrapping service for customers.

Using small slogans or sentences, in English and Portuguese, this action raised interest in, and drew the attention of, the target group on MDGs. Through visiting the Facebook address which was printed on the stickers, 'Connected for a better world', YMPs were inspired and challenged to change their behavior regarding poverty, consumption, fair trade, and gender equality, among others.

With this recipe we want to give an example of how development education can be included in shops that YMPs visit. The basic idea is to produce something that the shops and their customers will find useful, and by this sneaking in development topics to locations and to people that they have never reached before. In this way the action is using Casual Learning as a method.

When reading this recipe we hope to give you some ideas for your own actions in shops, may it be with stickers or with some other useful item that you produce.


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